Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Accessibility

Valuing and learning from our differences.

At Greenleaf, we value differences in perspective, expertise, and personality as a strength. We commit to prioritizing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) in our team policies, programs, and culture.

DEIA is integral to Greenleaf:

Our team is exceptionally diverse in race, gender, sexual orientation, and religion as well as professional and personal background— a result of our intentional recruiting and hiring practices.

We continually reflect on and improve company procedures and policies to reinforce our commitment to DEIA.

Mutual respect and appreciation for differences are cornerstones of our company culture. We intentionally seek out, truly listen to, and respect each other’s ideas and opinions.

By caring for one another and appreciating our differences, we create an environment of belonging and strengthen the work we do for our clients.

Join Our Team

Some of our employees celebrate a colleague's birthday.

Founder and President Siddharth Ashvin Shah leads laughter yoga in a client workshop.

A team of employees enjoy some social time after a meeting.